Bliss in every sip

Pre mix blend with Ayurvedic superpowers for moms
Coming Summer 2024

Bliss in every sip Pre mix blend with Ayurvedic superpowers for moms Coming Summer 2024

Coming Summer 2024

  • Transform your health from overwhelm to lasting calm & vitality with ashwagandha brahmi tumeric


    Sip your way to serenity with Blissd Bru. Helping you find your Zen even on the craziest days.#Momlife

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    Say goodbye to brain fog! The mix is infused with powerful adaptogenics and nootropics that keeps you sharp, focused, and ready to conquer your to-do list like a momboss

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    Treat your body right with every sip. Packed with spices &herbs, It isn’t just a drink—it’s your daily dose of wellness in a cup

  • Andrea Olson - USA Mom of 6 Founder Go Diaper Free and Tiny Undies

    BlissdBru is exactly what this mama of 6 needed to calm my nerves and
    help me feel more “okay” throughout the day. I was looking for a tea containing Ashwaganda because I’d heard of the benefits, but this mix has so much more nutritious, balancing Ayurvedic herbs in it, it’s a no-brainer! The fact that it is harvested and mixed by women in India makes it feel even more good going down.

  • Chris -Australia Mom of 2 teenagers

    Thanks to Blissd Bru I've experienced a transformative change in my sleep patterns. After enduring months of restless nights, I found solace in this drink. The first time I slept deeply, I woke up rejuvenated, feeling a sense of calm and clarity that had eluded me for months

  • Sonal Sharma-Delebarre UK Parent Child emotional co regulation coach, Yin Yoga teacher

    Blissd Bru is a warm hug in a mug, a delightful blend that envelops you in love and melts away worries. Each sip is a journey to relaxation and calmness, making it an irresistible daily ritual that I eagerly anticipate

nootropic brahmi hollistic health beverage for moms chidren best adaptgens for moms and children


I grew up in Mumbai, India, surrounded by the wisdom that the kitchen holds the key to every health woe.

After moving to Zurich,Switzerland I had my first child and continued on my natural healing path.

I cultivated the perfect life – a beautiful family, weekends exploring different European countries, and frequent trips back to India to keep my traditions alive for my son.

However, life turned upside down in 2020. I lost my father and my marriage fell apart.

Somehow in the middle of it all, I turned to my roots.

My daily ritual - a blend of spices and herbs that I infused in my coffee, tea, or milk - helped me feel calm, relaxed, and ready to face all the challenges that came my way. I started sharing this blend with my friends & family and they too experienced the same.

I worked with my Ayurved in India to come up with a blend that would be suitable for everyone and MAMMA VEDA was born right here in Switzerland…handcrafted in India by women farmers with love.

MAMMA VEDA's signature blend, Blissd Bru, is more than just a beverage. It’s proof that even when we encounter major life challenges, we can empower ourselves to emerge stronger, with grace, love, and kindness.

I hope you and your family revel in this wonderful experience like mine has.